Tag Archives: hope

Hope, Joy, Peace and Love in Each New Day

On this 7th day of the new year and Epiphany Sunday, I recall with gratitude the lighting of advent wreath candles…the celebrating of Christ’s birth…and the Three Wisemen following a bright believable star mile after mile to welcome and worship Christ, the newborn King. 

And so I share with you the following prayer for the year ahead:

Gracious Lord Jesus, 

There’s a hope that comes from being grateful for 

God‘s strength and consolation.

There’s a joy that comes from rejoicing in the hope of

God‘s unexpected invitations.

There’s a peace that comes from hoping against hope in 

God’s precious promises.

There’s a love that comes from seeking peace with God, 

and letting go of all the rest.

There’s a freedom that comes from welcoming a new year…

…trusting that the light of Christ’s hope, joy, peace, and love  

will guide us each new day. ~Amen and amen! 

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